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Closing Made Simple: 8 Steps To Increase Your Closing Percentage

Marc Jablon

Do you like sales? Does it make you uncomfortable? Do you get that pit in your stomach as you ask your prospect to buy your product or service? The truth is that even the best sales people are uncomfortable with the fact that they have to ask someone to take their hard earned money out of their pocket and give it to you. And why? Because you asked?

There’s a difference between sales people and closers. There are a ton of sales people. Most of them have the gift of gab and talk to you for hours about how and why their product and service is the best. But, they aren’t closers! I trained salespeople for years and very few of them were able to grasp the 8 simple steps in this article, Closing Made Simple: 8 Steps to Increase Your Closing Percentage. These steps are applicable to all different industries and I promise it will improve your love life (I want to make sure you read the article).

Step 1. Do I have the closing attitude?

Closing is an attitude. You must want to be a leader. Leaders are natural closers. People want to follow their every move, and they want to be followed. Leaders speak and act with confidence. Remember, it is not what you say; it is how you say it.

Step 2. What Do I want? Are my goals clearly defined?

Often a salespersons failure to close is due to the fact that they assume the prospect will volunteer a favorable response. They beat around the bush because they’re afraid to ask for what they want. DON’T LEAVE THE CLOSING TABLE UNTIL YOU KNOW YOUR PROSPECT UNDERSTANDS YOUR INTENTIONS. Remember, if it feels uncomfortable, it’s probably a good thing.

Step 3. What Do They Want? Do I understand my sales prospect?

A sale is an agreement between two parties. Unless you’re fulfilling a need for a client, you’ll fail at closing. This is a two-step process:

1. Addressing your clients need; 2. Alerting your client that you’re addressing his need.

A good closer knows how to listen and pays attention. The difference between a closer and an ordinary salesperson is the salesperson falls in love with his sales pitch and wonders why his prospect didn’t buy, while the closer listens to the prospect’s objections and comes to an agreement.

Step 4. The Formula for Handling Objections – Am I prepared for rejection? Does rejection take me by surprise?

A closer knows rejection is coming. They look forward to it, and they are prepared. As they overcome each objection, they know they inch closer and closer to the sale.

1. Agree with the statement. Turn a “NO” into a “Yes.” Hint – Just repeat his objection back to them. This tells the prospect you’re listening 2. Turn the statement into a ridiculous statement. Make the prospect laugh. This is a chance for you to show your personality. Look for words like “always”, “never”, “can’t”. 3. Back up with Facts – you briefly diverted your prospects attention with humor, now tell them why they need to buy what you’re selling. 4. Ask for the order

Step 5. Assume The Sale. Do I recognize my prospects buying clues?

Questions most often indicate interest. Answer questions, with additional questions concerning your prospects level of interest.

1. If I provide you with the information you’re requesting, then what will you commit to? 2. What can you afford to do? 3. How many units do you want?

Step 6. Closing requires Training. Does my client understand the closing process?

Part of assuming the sale is training your client for the close. Making sure your client is ready for the inevitable. Make sure your client understands what will happen after the close. The faster you get to the post-close process, the sooner you’ll get to the close.

Step 7. Am I Prepared For The Close?

Many salespeople don’t know what to do when they close. It sounds odd, but many fear success. Success breeds responsibility. Are you someone who subconsciously sabotages a close? This takes many forms but typically is defined by delays. I have found many salespeople who are all too comfortable with “pending deals.” However, if you are a real closer, you’ll understand rejection is part of the game, and you’ll learn to hate “pending deals”. Prepare yourself for success, and success will happen.

Step 8. Am I looking for repeat business?

You have worked really hard to close the sale. Now is the time to milk it. The request for repeat business reaffirms the relationship. Try the “Team” approach. How can “we” work together to bring in more business? Ask your new clients for referrals. This only strengthens the relationship.

Becoming a good closer requires practice, and as promised, I told you following these steps would improve your love life. Pay particular attention to Step 3 and Step 6. Listen to your partner and promise to make breakfast in the morning

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